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An Interview with Michel Duquenne

An Interview with Photographer Michel Duquenne of Artistic Photography from Campbellton, New Brunswick

What was it that lit your photography spark? Do you remember a particular camera, course, mentor, roll of film? 

Mamiya RB7 and my teacher Dolores Breau

What's your photo philosophy? Does it reflect your life philosophy?

I try to find beauty in every subject.

What makes an image recognizable and uniquely yours?

Impact and style.

You can go anywhere in the world for an epic, weeklong photo excursion by yourself without any issues of money, time, family or travel. Where do you go and why?

Australia with a bunch of models.

Share with us another photographer whose creative eye you admire.

Christopher Lovegrove

What kind of shoot is your bread and butter -- and what's your passion?

Grads are my biggest business but creative fashion is my passion

You're shooting a portrait in natural light. You can choose one lens. Which one, and why?

I don't care!

What kind of photography do you wish you could do more often?


Tell us about a recent shoot that affirmed how you approach photography.

Having fun doing it.

What's the most indispensable thing in your camera bag?

My camera.

What do you do to 'warm up' when a shoot begins? To get to know your subject, and to put them at ease?

Talk with them; try to know them better.


Thank you Michel , your images speak for themselves, and you are too shy and modest, but we love you anyway. To see more of Michel Duquenne's work, visit Artistic Photography.