Atlantic Photo Supply

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The Atlantic Photo Supply Photo Fair

It would seem that in the ever growing universe called the internet, that there is no limit to the amount of forms and free info on any possible topic. Given the complexities of the field of photography, this is not necessarily a bad thing. On the other hand, mulling for hours and hours surfing the web for info does take away from one and one human to human contact.

On August 21, APS will host a Photo Fair for photographers. This a freeone-day event that will offer up four great speakers with a variety of interests and talents. APS will also have a totally self serving display of products, new and old that we sell.

The whole idea is to bring a bunch of people together for a little party, a lot of info, and hopefully lots of fun. We have a variety of speakers starting with Steve Richard and Eric Boutilier-Brown, a couple of local folks, then James Van Hees from southern Ontario, and finally Dane Sanders coming all the way from California.

Hope to see you there! For more information, check out our Facebook page or email me at